
Lab Manager

She is an Associate Professor of Spanish linguistics at the University of California, Riverside. She specializes in sociolinguistics of race in the Mexican borderlands and Greater Mexico, and critical pedagogies for teaching Spanish as a heritage language. Her work is published in English and Spanish, appearing in journals like International Multilingual Research Journal, Hispania, and others.

She earned a LL.B. from Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia and specialized in Constitutional Law and Political Science at the CEPC in Madrid, Spain. She is a Ph.D. ABD candidate in the Hispanic Studies Department at UCR. Her research interests include language ideologies, bilingualism, and discrimination against Latinx communities in jury selection, with a focus on the manipulation of language in the legal system.

Graduate Researcher Team

Postdoctoral Scholar

Sheis a first generation high school and college graduate, currently completing her Ph.D at UC Riverside in Education, Society, and Culture.  Cristina’s research centers on Critical Language Awareness, Critical Sociocultural Linguistic Literacy, and Borderlands theory based pedagogies as a means of decolonizing Heritage education.

She is a Postdoctoral Scholar in Spanish Critical Sociolinguistics and Language Education at the LatCrit lab. She received her Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, where she completed a dissertation entitled, Investigating Deficit Perspectives and Raciolinguistic Ideologies Through Language Attitude Study, wherein she used a raciolinguistic perspective to examine how listening subjects use their perceptions of race, gender, and alleged ‘deficits’ to form attitudes and language and people. Personal website.

Faculty Collaborators


Bilingual Native Perception, Mexican Spanish, and CriSoLL Projects

Assistant Professor of Spanish linguistics at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater, focusing on critical pedagogies and immigration discourse analysis. More about Dr. Ede-Hernández.

Assistant Professor in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at California State University, East Bay, focusing on language and cognition in bilinguals and multilinguals. Personal website.

Diseno y Arquitectura, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. Actualmente está investigando las pautas metodológicas para el diseño de glosas en Lengua de Señas Mexicana, en lo particular tiene especial interés en contribuir con su investigación a la mejora académica de las personas sordas.

Senior Lector at Yale University. Her research focuses on Spanish-English bilingualism in the United States. She studies factors affecting acquisition and development of Spanish as a second and as a heritage language. More about Dr. Sánchez Walker.

Teach in Spanglish Project

Assistant Professor of Mexican American/Chicano history at the University of California, Riverside, focusing on transnational youth cultures and Southern California Latina/o/x communities. Personal website.


Associate Professor at the University of Oregon. She is an interdisciplinary historian of migrations in the Americas and the world. More about Dr. Weise.

Associate Professor at the University of California Riverside. She specializes in Sociolinguistics of the Spanish in the US. Her corpus-based research deals with Historical Spanish in California, with a focus on language change, dialectology, and bilingualism. She also directs the UCR SoCaLab.